Fein – producing high-end power tools for a century and a half!
Fein – no surprise it’s an anagram of fine – although the company is named after its founding brothers. Credited as the inventors of the hand-held electric drill over 120 years ago, this is just one of the hundred and more terrific Fein tools we hold ready for you to use.
Fein offer the finest of multi and power tools for almost any job. You’ll find quality grinders and oscillators, a huge choice of both saw and scraper blades, perforated sanding sheets and polishing pads. Add to this many filter bag and flat-fold options, and those vital dry vacuum dust extractors, to make sure you never need to say the classic Laurel and Hardy quote: ‘That’s another Fein mess you’ve got me into!’
Discount Trader regulars know that all these Fein multi and power tools and components are offered at terrific value prices, and backed up by low shipping rates right across the land. They gain confidence from the way we back up each purchase with a terrific 14 day returns policy.
Need to know more about particular Fein tools? Call Discount Trader on (03) 8555 0035 and we’ll chat through your needs – and offer Fein answers!